Thursday, June 13th

Overhead Strength: 4 Sets Barbell Strict Press 6-8 reps @ 75% 1RM Banded Tricep Press Downs 15-20 reps Rest 90s

Our pressing strength series this month will be focused to increase our capacity on handstand push ups or any overhead pressing. The two most common weaknesses are our front delts and our triceps. BB strict press should be a weight that we can get 8 reps to start with, and struggle to finish 6 by the end. Banded tricep press downs should be done fast, keeping the upper arm locked while driving down and out with our hands (red/blue band, no green)

3RFT (12 min cap) 20/16 Cal Row 8 Dual DB Devil’s Press 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15

Workout – quick couplet in which we should be trying to finish each movement in a minute to minute and a half, however we have a generous two minutes each to get the time cap. For those that struggle with using two DBs on the devil’s Press, lets go single arm alternating before dropping the weight significantly to hold two DBs.