Saturday, September 3rd

Partner WOD: Teams of 2: AMRAP 24 5 Deadlfts 315/225 | 275/185 | 225/155 10/7 Cal Bike or 15/12 Cal Row (bike preferred) 15 Dual KB Push Press 53/35 | 44/26 | 35/18 20 Dual KB Russian KBS 53/35 100′ KB Farmer Carry 53/35

Workout – one works, one rests, but must switch every full movement. Scale Deadlift to a heavy weight that most likely requires 5 quick(ish) singles to complete. Bike is preferred but large classes can sub in row. Dual KB Russian KBS will require a wider stance to allow both KBs to clear under the hips. No Core/Accessory today, so take plenty of time warming up the deadlifts and going over the movements!