Tuesday, February 15th

Strength: 5 complexes of: 1 Strict Press, 2 Push Press, 3 Push Jerk at 95% 1RM strict press
Strength – we’re performing a complex of one strict press into 2 push press into 3 push jerks. The strict press should be near our maximum weight, but something we can get each time. We will then transition into using our hip drive to initiate the bar movement, then driving down under the bar when we get to the jerks.
Conditioning: Strength – Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of: 2 Wall Walks 9 Power Cleans, 95/65 lbs 12 Hand Release Push-ups
Workout – this will be a heavy shoulder fatigue, so really focus on using the hip drive for those push presses. We’ve seen a lot of shoulder burners in the last few Crossfit Open’s, so we want to be able to train with good form under that targeted fatigue.