Friday, December 24th

Christmas Eve!

Conditioning: 12 Days of Christmas

1 Thruster 115/85
2 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 115/85
3 Power Snatch 115/85
4 Push Press 115/85
5 Power Clean 115/85
6 Bar facing Burpees
7 Pull Ups
8 Toes-To-Bar
9 Wall Balls 20/14
10 KB Swings 53/35
11 Goblet S quats 53/35
12 Front Rack Barbell Lunges 115/85 (6/leg)

Treat the workout like the song, starting with 1 thruster, then 2 SDHP + 1 thruster, then 3 P.S, 2 SDHP, 1 thruster, ect. We should be able to go unbroken on every movement, every time for this workout.