Wednesday, December 1st

Coach Bill’s Skill Day: 3 rounds for quality of: 6/side Kettlebell Windmills & Wall Facing Handstand Hold, 30 secs Rest 2 mins

Gymnastic Strength today is brought to you by Coach Bill. Introducing the Kettlebell Windmill (3×6/side, 12 total) for core/shoulder stability, strength, and body awareness. For those that cannot complete with weight, either complete as prescribed without weight, or performed in the half kneeling variation. Wall Facing HS Holds we want to focus on complete shoulder engagement through the shoulder blades, tight core/glutes and pointed toes. These will scale to 20s Hollow Holds + 20s Superman Holds.

Conditioning: Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between: 40 Double Unders 20 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts, 53/35 lbs 15 Toes-to-bars 10 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Workout – the KB weight should be something we can complete unbroken each set. TTB/K2E we should be able to complete in 30-40s, scale down the reps if needed to reach that goal. Strict HSPU or Z-Press should be done in no more than 2-3 quick sets.