Wednesday, August 9th
Some of the practices and challenges you are going to undertake during the All-in 8-week challenge are going to be weird and uncomfortable at first. You may have already decided that they aren’t going to help you. I thought the same thing when I started putting some of these practices into my life. I’m not talking about lifting technique and not just nutrition either. I didn’t think that small mental changes, small physical changes over time would help me so quickly. Most of this challenge is about the long term, a way to improve your life for as long as you keep practicing some of these challenges and whatever ones you find along your path and journey to being a better human. You have to stay in it and stay committed when it gets hard and when it really challenges you. I’ve been consciously trying to change some things about myself for a while now and they aren’t all changed. Some of them still sneak in. I definitely have my days when I want to set the world on fire and just say that this is the way I am, blame other people, blame this or that and just go back to being ordinary. I still have very depressing days, days where I get angry for no reason and just don’t want to do it. I have a wide range of failures DAILY but, I have to stick to the grind for today and for the future. The difference between now and then (1.5 years plus) is that I am gaining momentum on being better. I don’t feel that there is a endstate, there is just a path that I can take to change. Change is tough, change is uncomfortable and sometimes it’s embarrassing but, you could just stay where you are too.
I’d like to see you make some changes and join us in this challenge.
Chipper Town USA
In 25 min, Complete:
50 cal. Row
50 Pistols
50 Toes-to-Bar
50 Box Jumps
50 Thrusters
50 Burpees