As a coaching group we have agreed to help you guys with the single most influential movement in your fitness bag of tricks, the squat. Reason for this is that the squat is the absolute basis of all other movements. The air squat isn’t easy. It’s especially not easy to do PERFECTLY. Meaning squatting correctly, engaging everything you need to engage to make your squat work. For example, your knees may come in when you’re coming up out of the bottom, you may not even know what the bottom of the squat feels like and maybe when you do find it, something hurts, there’s impingement that’s hindering movement. You may have crummy ankle dorsi felxion, plantar flexion or spine issues that just won’t let you squat correctly even if you wanted to.
Ok Ok, so what are we going to do to finally fix these issues? We are going to squat. We’re going to squat together for at least 5 minutes each day in our warm up to show you how to squat, how to identify what to use, what not to use, how to identify what isn’t helping you and how to fix it. I want you to take this as serious as you can. This is a way to take care of your body, to allow yourself to move correctly and MOVE FORWARD instead of saying “oh man my mobility sucks” and then just go do thrusters anyway, drive home and wonder why your shoulder now hurts. In a sense, we are starting at square one, again. Some of us need this badly so, I would encourage you to take it seriously. Poor movement leads to pain. Pain is NOT NORMAL no matter who you are, what you’ve done in the past, how old you are. It shouldn’t be there. This can help. 5-8 minutes a day led by a coach during your warm-up
Feel free to give your feedback on Squat therapy to you coach so we know what you need or what you’re feeling.
Overhead Squat for a heavy 3
4 rounds:
15 OHS (70% of your 3RM)
15 TTB