Weds, Feb 1st

Happy February everyone. We have a lot going on this month so mark your calendars:
Feb 11th is our Polar Bear plunge
Feb 23rd is the start of the CrossFit Games open and our Friday night lights event starts the 24th!!
Feb 26th will be a tribute to Ashley Guindon. The Prince William Police officer killed in the line of duty on Feb 27th, 2016.
Definitely participate in one or more of these events or come out to support
We will also be continuing the Open Prep programming all the way up to the Open to make sure we haven’t missed anything. With that, we will enforce standards in each WOD so there won’t be any surprise when it comes to judging or participating in the open WODs. Lastly, the coaches of CFW experimented with some techniques to help count, judge and promote community like partnering up during the shorter workouts to help count, pairing up rookies with veterans and going over leveling and scaling. We will continue to do this as it definitely proves beneficial to everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying classes these days!
1) 3 Rounds:
1:00 ME handstand push ups or HRPU
:30 rest
1:00 ME toes to bar
:30 rest
1:00 plank hold
:30 rest
2) 6 Rounds for time of:
10 bar facing burpees
10 hang power cleans (115,75)