The power of bands
Did everyone read the post yesterday? I know it was super long.. I tend to rant once I get started on eating healthy. Find any interesting paleo-related information? Is anyone starting to eat paleo? Let me know your thoughts and plans!
For the WOD today, the only piece of equipment we’ll be using is a band. Bands can be incorporated into workouts in several different ways: from assisted pull ups (see above) to full workouts with nothing but a band. If you go on vacation and you know you’re not going to have time to get to a gym, just bring along a band and you’ll find that you can get a great workout with that single piece of equipment. Today we’ll learn some of those movements in our workout:
Thursday, April 18, 2013
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 minutes
20 yard lunge
20 banded goodmornings
20 yard lunge
20 banded pull aparts
20 yard lunge
20 banded front raises