Tuesday, April 21st

Strength – Barbell Leg Complex: 3×10 of Back RackBarbell Lunges into back squat. Must complete 1 forward lunge on right leg, left leg, then back squat for one rep. Modifications – depending on the weight of DB/KB, perform rep scheme in either single arm overhead (lightest), goblet hold (medium), or resting DB/KB on back or shoulder (heaviest).

Conditioning: 3x AMRAP 4. AMRAP 4 10 med ball cleans 20/14 10 jumping alternating lunges, rest two minutes. AMRAP 4 10 med ball cleans 10 push ups, rest two minutes. AMRAP 4 10 med ball cleans, 10 single arm DB/KB Push Press 50/35. Modifications – Barbell squat cleans (empty bar), DB/KB squat cleans (25/15), or plank get ups to squat.

Core: 3 Rounds of 10 single arm russian KBS 35/26, 15 tuck ups.